Create the future you desire – discussion 6

Project your thoughts to the universe (God)

I’ve touched on this subject in previous discussions, but it merits further investigation. Our thoughts create our lives and this includes sub-conscious thoughts. If you are wanting, say, more money, you can project this thought to the universe but if you have a niggling doubt that the universe can’t provide it then you are likely to be disappointed. You need to believe that it is not only possible, but that it is definitely going to happen. Humans find it very difficult to believe in the unseen. Your bills are adding up and you are thinking that the money cannot be found anywhere to pay these bills. You are saying ‘I really need £100 extra this month’ and what the universe (God) is hearing is you projecting a need without accepting that it is totally possible.  Interestingly, most churches you attend will tell you to ASK God in a very humble way to please, please provide what you want. My experience has shown me that the universe (God) expects you to ORDER what you want, then follow that with grateful thanks at having received it, even though you may not have received it yet. I remember attending a church meeting, before I truly believed in God, and I TOLD God to reveal himself to me otherwise I was going to go home and never attend another meeting. The bible will tell you not to test God, but He answered me that night, proving to me that it’s ok to place a demand.

So, getting back to creating your future, make a list of everything in your life that you are grateful for, such as great friends, wonderful family, holidays, enough cash to pay your bills, etc. and say every day – thank you, thank you, thank you. Then focus on one goal you want to achieve. That might be, for example, your dream home. You might already live in a very nice house somewhere but most of us have an idea in our head of what our dream home would look like. Picture that home every day, imagining yourself walking around it, cooking in the dream kitchen, sleeping in the huge master bedroom, etc. Project these thoughts to the universe (God) as you visualise yourself in that house. Find such a house for sale in an estate agent and go view it! Tell the universe it is yours. The universe can move situations, people, finances to enable you to achieve your goal. Keep faith but remember, there’s no timescale for your dream to become reality – it might happen almost immediately, or you might have to wait a while. Believe in the unbelievable!

Author: pamemcnamara1btinternetcom

I like to write short stories and flash fiction whenever I have time, between my day job and catching up on sleep. I subscribe to Writing Magazine which is packed with ideas to get the brain working. Thank you for stopping by and reading my posts.

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